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Military Entrepreneur Blueprint
Introduction (9:28)
Module 1 - Building Your Foundation
TWA (5:03)
Who Are You (9:07)
Why (17:07)
Responsibility (8:46)
It's You (9:14)
2 Reasons Not To Start (10:24)
Accountability (10:24)
Module 2 - Starting Your Business On The Right Foot
2 Things (6:14)
2 Business Types (6:02)
3 Hats (4:33)
4 Mirrors (10:10)
Pots In The Fire (4:42)
99 vs 1 (9:39)
Friction (9:22)
No (9:37)
Comfort Zone Hack (3:37)
Module 3 - Growing Your Successful Business
Know, Like & Trust You (3:22)
What Do They Want (4:55)
What You Want To Do (6:13)
2 Marketing Types (13:48)
2 Market Types Part 2 (1:01)
Networking Promise (11:33)
Law Of Reciprocity (5:47)
Leftovers (5:13)
Module 4 - Creating Your Dream Income
Financial Lifestyle (14:56)
Financial Lifestyle Part 2 (6:02)
I Love Money (17:49)
No Paychecks (7:19)
Income Types (8:00)
Revenue vs Income (8:10)
Spending (7:16)
Overhead (7:19)
ROI (2:06)
Module 5 - Taking Action
Pareto (6:26)
Parkinson's (4:46)
Perfection (6:16)
One Thing A Day (3:16)
Time Management (3:25)
Chunking (4:17)
Time Blocking (5:00)
Assigning Tasks (8:11)
Elimination Hack (1:53)
Whiteboards (7:07)
Module 6 - Your Creative Genius
Pick One (4:28)
Which One (14:23)
Stream Of Conciousness (8:38)
React Create (3:05)
Proof Of Concept (4:17)
Ask Seek Knock (7:10)
Notebook (5:51)
Module 7 - Graduation
Show Up (3:46)
Get Dressed (2:16)
Home Office (5:17)
This Sucks (10:31)
Invest In You (5:07)
Too Long (6:34)
Knowledge And Action (2:01)
Assigning Tasks
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